Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Post-Game Rebuttal

I was born and raised wearing a deep red, but now at the age of 21, I wear the right red- the only red. A red that's good and gives life (I am not talking about blood, either). A red that complements houndstooth print blazers and colors a not-so-scarlet letter "A." That's right, I wear a deep red and it's seen in the color of my gameday hat, my cocktail dresses, and my lipstick---but this time it's not the Hoosier red of my childhood---it is the red that represents all things good and holy in our beloved Saban Nation---the color of the Crimson Tide.

So after many blogs over the role fashion is playing in our world today, I chose to address my other passion: Alabama football. I am doing this not because I want to bask in the fact that we are ranked No. 1 in the nation, going to the SEC Championship game in Atlanta, or because we silenced Death Valley with an overtime win this past weeked against LSU (okay, maybe just a little), I am doing it to silence the remarks of my family in the Midwest who lack the faith and excitement about a football program and school I have grown to love (and because I think it will make Thanksgiving talk rather interesting this year- man, if only Dustin was reading this...).

For all of you (you know who you are) who think that rankings mean everything and that the Alabama/LSU game should not have gone into overtime (I'm over that "Well, Bama was ranked No. 1...." crap), I think you are trying to forget one crucial point: the game was against LSU and it was in Death Valley. How would you feel to be a collegiate athlete (or coach) greeted not only by some of the most crazy, ill-mannered, and uncouth fans in the nation, but by a billboard advertising a Burn Bama party at a condominium development. I mean, who seriously burns a Nick Saban effigie to advertise real estate?! Only at LSU. While we are on the topic of destructive measures, what kind of fan shoots two Alabama fans after a game? Only an LSU fan. The madness continues.

LSU, if you haven't heard...Nick Saban did not leave you for us. He left you for the pro's. He just happened to be enticed by the opportunity that awaited him beyond the golden gates of Tuscaloosa (okay, maybe that's a stretch...). So quit your crying and go make some gumbo. I'm hungry.

As for you, all you Big 10 lovers, don't be jealous that the Crimson Tide can go into an extremely hostile environment in Baton Rouge, almost the equivalent of hell, and pull out a win with enough mistakes to lose three games. If rankings and an undefeated season mean everything like you say, go cheer on your beloved and nearby No. 14 undefeated Ball State (cough, cough, giggle). I'm not going to lie, though, it's probably going to be a nail-biter with those big games that lay know how unruly things can get with Central Michigan... Their latest ESPN headline reads: Ball State takes down Miami of Ohio. Oh, wow....go get 'em Charlie Cardinal!

Aside from two more SEC games (including the Iron Bowl), let's look forward to the SEC Championship where I am sure you will be praying for a loss against the Gators to shut me up. And a good game it will be... if Tebow decides to come play and stops visiting prison inmates and saving orphans in third world countries for a minute. Oh, Tim Tebow-- Heisman winner and humanitarian. Puke.

Get ready for a good finish. You will wish that you had an Alabama shirt to wear. But don't worry, Hoosiers, basketball season will be around the corner soon enough and you will finally have a sport you can identify with, although sadly you might want to reconsider basketball as your sport of choice as the Indiana colleges' seasons don't look promising.

So game on, y'all. Bring your trash talk. Oh, and me.

1 comment:

Fevrier said...

I can't even handle this. It is too funny. I think I can truly appreciate this since I do understand both sides...